Transparency is critical. The current St George City budget has a $188,000 "revenue" under Golf Administration. Adding this as revenue makes it appear that the golf courses show a profit which is not the case. There has not been a profit for the city-owned golf courses for years. This "revenue" came, in part, from the CARES Act and taxpayer surplus. Per the on-record city work meeting comment, "If we did not pull from our savings and add this as the revenue, then we would show this as a loss."
So to be clear...this "revenue" is coming from other taxpayer-funded "savings," also known as "good year surplus," and from COVID funds, pulled from what was initially set for PUBLIC SAFETY. Here is the link to the public record; you can hear about this line item at the 2-hour and 4-minute mark.
To create more transparency, this revenue should be notated appropriately so that the public understands where funds are coming from and what is profitable and not. It is not the proper role of government for the city to be controlling a private sector business on the backs of the taxpayer.